Anemone Anomaly
for film.
=> 'XiXi' (2024).
=> 'Free Chol Soo Lee' (2022).
'Midnight Traveler' (2019).
=> on sound-making in Hassan Fazili's Midnight Traveler (2019).
=> Karen Day's 'Bamboo and Barbed Wire' (2019).
=> Em Mahdavian's 'Intangible Body' (2016).
=> film music samples.
=> in 'Autumn Project' (2024).
=> 'One hundred k [days] x [seconds]' (2024).
=> 'For Voices in Distant Landscapes, 2020-2023' (2023).
=> 'One Single Sheep Bell' (2022).
=> 'The Hights' (2021).
=> in 'Future Cities Project' (2020).
=> 'Listening to History: Minidoka (Part 2)' (2017).
=> 'Yoshiwara Soundwalk' (2016).
=> 'Summer in Snow Country' (2014).
=> Triptych (2013).
=> "The Amber Moon an Ember" (2013).
=> "A Wilderness Most Concrete" (2013).
=> 'renatured' (2022).
=> 'Mirror Morrow' (2020).
=> w/ Akaihirume (2019).
=> w/ Rich Rath (2018).
=> 'touching barad' (2015).
for dance.
=> Nina Haft's 'Precarious Pod' (2019).
=> Peiling Kao's 'Integral Bodies' (2019).
=> Christy Funsch's 'MSDM' (2018).
=> 'Des-Echoes' (2015).
=> 'Thirsty Afternoon' (2022).
=> 'On Cypress Ridge' (2021).
=> 'music for going nowhere' (2020).
=> 'hirakito' (2019).
=> review.
=> glou glou 'fey flight founders' (2016).
=> glou glou 'hymn her hum' (2014).
=> 'songspaces' (2013).
visual scores.
=> 'Suomenlinna: Back North' (2024).
'Divide' (2024).
=> at The Lab, 17 May 2024.
postcard music (2009-2023).
=> 'Post-Score' (2023).
at Canessa Gallery (2015).
'Paris Blancheur' (2011).
'Song Cycle for Symbionts' (2020).
=> 'Tree_Score' (2010).
instructional scores.
'One hundred k [days] x [seconds]' (2024).
=> 'For Voices in Distant Landscapes' (2020-2023)
'Body / Tech / Overflow' (2021).
10'15"x (2017).
I Clean the Stage (2009).
=> video.
'News Piece' (2006).
sound art & poetry.
=> in Orion Magazine (2019).
'As Distinct From Humming' (2007).
Stein Phase (2006–2009).
artist books.
=> 'Sonic Meditation for Immersive Ecological Entanglement' (2018).
"Paris Arthaud" & "ou ou".
"an e and a me".
"Michel Foucault's 'Minor Perverts...'"
=> photo-koto at NIME13, Seoul (2013).
=> photo-koto on Maddow (2010).
w/ Ted Apel & breccia (2006– )
=> Black Friday 2015.
=> Ephem Vault 2023.
=> JuDai (2019–2023).
=> live & distant on People, Places, Things (2020).
=> electroViolet (2016–2021).
=> body electric 5.2 (Island Circuit 2021).
=> 'Island Circuit Series': Ahupuaʻa ʻO Kahana State Park (2021).
=> body electric 3.1 (Oahu Fringe 2019).
=> body electric 2.0 (Honolulu 2018).
=> body electric 1.3 (Berlin 2017).
=> Eat The Sun (2013–2018).
=> March 2018.
=> November 2015.
=> April 2014.
=> March 2014.
=> October 2013.
=> July 2013.
=> Gestaltish (2011–2014).
=> more w/ Gestaltish.
=> Candy Acid (2009–2013).
=> in conversation.
=> on Susu Ultrarock Records.
There is no immateriality.
–Sadie Plant
Tokyo 2021